I hope you'll enjoy this selection of links to ACIM, Spirituality, Compassion/Vegetarian/Vegan and Ethical/Holistic Health related websites.
www.acim.org - Website of Foundation for Inner Peace, original publishers of the authorised manuscript of ACIM—the self-study metaphysical thought system unique in teaching forgiveness as the road to inner peace and the remembrance of the unconditional love of God.
www.AllAnIllusion.com - Wonderful website, dedicated to the teachings of ACIM, of Raveena Nash, author of It’s All an Illusion; an exceptional book exploring the topic of illusion from the perspective of ACIM. Also author of Rise Above, an immensely helpful handbook on how to rise above the problems of the illusory world, using the teachings of ACIM, and new, beautiful children's book, A Tale of Truth.
www.facimoutreach.org - Teaching Centre with Question & Answer service.
www.garyrenard.com - Website of author of The Disappearance of the Universe, unique in its spellbinding introduction to, and explanation of the Course.
www.miracles.org.uk - UK Miracle network supporting students of ACIM in the UK.
www.guideangel.com - While Information on Angels abounds these days, this site is especially informative. Exploring all aspects of Angels, from all perspectives and traditions, it presents one of the most comprehensive and interesting studies on the subject.
www.humanitysteam.org - Global spiritual movement whose purpose is to actively contribute to the awareness of Oneness on both worldwide and national scales, and aims to support like-minded individuals and organizations. Contains online petition for Declaration of Oneness.
www.matthewbooks.com - Inspirational books on spirituality and metaphysics–with firsthand description of the afterlife–communicated telepathically by Matthew Ward (who passed away at age 17) to his mother. Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven has been described as an instruction manual that can rescue the human race—just in time.
www.pickawoowoo.com - Spiritually passionate publishers, unique in their mission to publish inspirational books for children and young adults that nourish the spiritual spark.
www.theawakenedeye.com - Interesting site on the transcendence of duality perception, and the awakening of non-dual awareness.
www.visionsofheaven.com - Beautiful website of Ann Albers, containing a wealth of materials with which to expand your spirit.
www.animalaid.org.uk - Leading organization at the forefront of the fight against cruelty, with extensive ethical shop.
www.earthlings.com & www.unitythemovie.com - Websites of Nation Earth, featuring the eye-opening work of writer/producer/director Shaun Morrison , whose film Earthlings is considered the most persuasive documentary ever made. Essential viewing for anyone who wishes to make the world a better place. His latest film, Unity contains the message of our interconnectedness with all life, and the need to go beyond the ego’s deceptive illusion of separation.
www.SoyStache.com - Informative website - promoting awareness of the many health benefits of a plant- based diet - with many interesting links.
www.tohappyvegans.com - Great website put together by two happy vegans who want to share the extensive information they have unearthed. Contains an amazing range of vegan products with links to all the stockists.
www.turningpointsincompassion.info and www.Facebook.com/TurningPointsincompassion - Inspirational work of author Gypsy Wulff, dedicated to raising awareness about the sentience and beauty of animals and their place as beings who share this planet with us.
www.veganfamily.co.uk - Interesting and informative site on all related topics-and beyond.
www.vegansociety.com - Promotes ways of living free from animal products for the benefit of people, animals and the environment. Provides authoritative nutritional information and a wide range of informative materials, much of it free.
www.veg-world.com - For all things vegetarian and vegan.
www.viva.org.uk - Another notable organisation, Viva! campaigns tirelessly for the animals and a better world. Great website, too.
www.drhadwentrust.org - Dr Hadwen Trust, the UK's leading non-animal medical research charity.
www.informedparent.co.uk - Group set up to promote awareness and understanding about vaccinations in order to preserve the freedom of an informed choice.
www.janeplant.com - Professor Jane Plant is one of UK’s top scientist. Her groundbreaking book, Your Life in Your Hands about preventing and treating breast cancer presents compelling evidence of the link between dairy products and the reproductive cancers. It contains her non-dairy diet which saved her life when her cancer had spread and she was given only a few weeks to live.
www.louisehay.com - Well known self-help guru, Louise Hay, whose healing techniques and positive philosophy saved her own life and have inspired millions. Her book You Can Heal Your Life explains the connection between our beliefs and our health, and contains a full list of maladies with the probable mental/emotional cause and affirmation for each.
www.lynnemctaggart.com - Author of significant books in the areas of quantum physics, spirituality and health. Described as a bridge between science and spirituality.
www.safermedicines.org - Safer Medicines Trust, an independent patient safety organisation of scientists and doctors with extensive expertise in drug development, whose aim is to change the way medicines are tested, so they are safer for humans.
www.vernoncoleman.com - A medical doctor with a strong conscience, and a refreshingly holistic approach. Vernon Coleman is a courageous champion of the downtrodden (both human and non-human animals). Also a prolific writer, Dr Coleman has authored a vast number of brilliant books on a wide range of topics.
www.wholisticresearch.com - Wholistic Resarch Company. Contains a wealth of free health information and a selection of some of the finest health products from around the world. Exceptional customer service, and a superb online resource.